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Rijsoord - Ansichtkaarten schildersdorp Rijsoord

Ansichtkaart (postkaart) Brown

(April 2021)

Welke voornaam staat hier? (Which first name is written here?)

"Mrs. De Koning
c/o Vrouw Noorlander
in Barendrecht Holland
The Seasons Greetings!

From: E. Bell & Brown
166 Boulevard Montparnasse, Paris.

- 'E Bella' ..
- 'Ethel I.' ..
- 'E.B.M. &' ..

Mail to: info (a) dordtenazoeker.nl

Canadese kunstenares/Canadian artist Henrietta Moodie Vickers (from France and Italy)

(January 2021)
Wie helpt ermee om transcripties van deze ansichtkaarten te maken?
De ansichtkaarten zijn gestuurd door de Canadese kunstenares Henrietta Moodie Vickers (Toronto 1870 - Tanger 1938)
aan de Rijsoord/Amerikaanse kunstenares Wilhelmina Douglas de Koning-Hawley (Perth Amboy (NJ) 1860 - Ridderkerk (Rijsoord) 1958).

Mail naar info (a) dordtenazoeker.nl

G.A. Reid, Portrait of Henrietta Vickers, ca 1894 (The Ontario collection, Fern Bayer, 1984 (archive.org)


(Napoli Mergellina Punia di Posillipo) (Edit Carlo Cotini, Napoli, Via Chiaia 63)

Mrs. de Koning

8 ..2..(?)
dear Mrs. de Koning
We have at last arrived
here. I am greatly enjoying
the picturesque beauty of the

(Mediterranean?) but oh. the
dirt. It is truly alarming
We spent two
months at
Venice - I have gradually
gay here staidt at Florence
ser.. I know I have lesser
Margrathe and/can't ..i
... of lovely things of very
discription. We leave as soon
as possible for Capri
- I ...
I must ... in(?) time(?)
much love & kiss greetings
(.... Ginky .... fr. H.M. Vickers)


(Venezia S. Vitale)(cartolina postale Italiana)
A(an) Mrs. de Koning

Oct. 16(?)
dear Mrs. de Koning,
We arrived here safely after
..allen & li...me journey - le...
health m...ost for(?) brief
units (Bale) Nice ...(?)
The suposition at Culles place
is a very small affair. but we
saw a fine collection of wast...ns
Italian art which(who is) was ......ting
Much love from your .... gr. H.M. Vickers

We hope sweet litlle Ginkie is well


(44 Paris - le Jardin des Tuilleries et l'Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel - LL) (6-5-1912)

Mrs. B. Koning

84 Rue d'Assas, May 1r
Dear Mrs. de Koning. I have
been wondering so much
if all has been well with
you - & if you have had
any satisfactory news
from the "other side"?
Paris is
lo..ering(?) very beau-
tifall. Just (mrs) & me have
had a wonderfull Spring
.ott Salons are now open
(but) "regret" to say are con-
tinually un-interesting "Les
Independants" worse
ever is possible. Much love
to Ginky & yourself, H.M. Vickers

NB Ginky = Georgine Florence de Koning (daughter of Bastiaan de Koning and Wilhelmina D. Hawley)


(Environs de Vernon - Giverny - Coin pittoresque)

M. De Koning, Riijsoord(!), Holland / June 18 "V..is? Bre?"(?)
Thanks so much for your
card. Our(?) writing is
an... on the 5 apr. arrival
of the lovely little daughter
to Mrs. Miller. They are
awfully happy. & mrs. M.
... whom first heard it
was a girl. Has she was seen
it. W... as like yours "Ginky". She has
thought & spoken of you so often
much. .... H.M. Vickers


(Paris Le Pont du Carrousel)

Mrs. de Koning

84 Rue d'Assas 8-1-1923(?)
dear Mrs. de Koning,
With(?) love(?) I wish
you a merry Christmas
& the happiest of
New Year. We are
still enjoying Spring
weather here. Which
has not(?) scann.....ts(?) suits
me perfectly. Hope you
are all well. With much
love. Yours sincerely H.M. Vickers;

Na lange tijd in Parijs gewoond te hebben, verhuist Henrietta omstreeks 1919 naar Tanger in Marokko.
Haar naam komt voor op de volgende passagierslijsten van schepen, die van Rotterdam naar Batavia voeren en de havenstad Tanger aandeden:

* s.s. 'Goentoer', vertrokken 1 dec. 1923 (miss H.M. Vickers, van Southampton naar Tanger);
* s.s. 'Patria', vertrokken 18 okt. 1924 (mej. Vickers, van Southampton naar Tanger);
* s.s. 'Slamat', vertrokken 15 nov. 1924 (mej. H.M. Vickers, van Southampton naar Tanger);
* s.s. 'Sibajak', vertrokken 28 nov. 1928 (mej. H.M. Vickers, naar Tanger);
* s.s. 'Indrapoera', vertrokken 11 dec. 1929 (mej. Moodie Vickers, naar Tanger);
* s.s. 'Baloeran', 1930;
* s.s. 'Slamat', vertrokken 7 okt. 1931 (mej. H. Moodie Vickers, naar Tanger);
* s.s. 'Baloeran', vertrokken 21 okt. 1931 (mej. H. Moodie Vickers, naar Tanger);
* s.s. 'Dempo', 1932;
* s.s. 'Baloeran', 1937;

Laatst gewijzigd: januari 2021.